Jelly Bean Science


Jelly Bean Science


Today we have two fun and simple science experiments for you! The only thing you might need to pick up is some jelly beans.


The first experiment is so simple all you need is a white/clear plate, some jelly beans, and warm water! The first set is to set your jelly beans up in a circle around your plate.

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Next pour your warm water in the middle of your circle. Just enough to touch the bottom of your jelly beans.

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Right away some colors start to bleed into the water. Some great questions to ask are...what do you think will happen when we add water? which colors went first? Last? Did any not bleed? Are the colors mixing? You and your child can observe for awhile and water the beautiful pattern be made. Then  come check on it again in about a half hour. How is it different than before? Are any colors brighter than the other? Did they end up mixing?

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Our next experiment is all about how different liquids affect a jelly bean differently. Again you only need a few materials. Clear cups, jelly beans, water, salt water, vinegar, and oil.

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Start with one jelly bean in each cup, we labeled ours so we knew which was which. Now is a great time to ask some questions and make predictions. Do you think they will act differently in the different liquids? How? Why? Which liquid will do what? If your child is writing this is a great opportunity for them to write their predictions. If they are not you can write them or simply talk about them. Now the fun part. Add your liquids and notice. Did anything happen right away? Next we set a timer for 30 mins and check back when it went off. What happened? Did they act differently? Were your predictions right? Did anything surprise you?

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We hope you enjoy these fun experiments!


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