Old McSilva’s Had a Farm: Egg Update


Our egg hatching journey is well underway. We got a special flashlight to candle our eggs and see how they are developing. Candling is a method used to check the development of poultry inside eggs. It uses a dark room and a bright light to see inside the egg shell. We received our light right at day 6 of incubating our eggs, the perfect time to see if our eggs were in fact fertilized and developing. How amazing it was!

You can see in this egg how it’s developing veins. This is the start of a chick developing! Out of our 16 incubated eggs only one was not developing.

This egg does not have anything growing and is not developing into a chick.


My boys were so excited to be able to see that our eggs were growing into chicks. We also make sure to turn our eggs every day. We do this to help the chickens develop and not grow attached to the shell. In nature the mother hen would check her eggs daily and move them around too.


Four days later on day 10 we checked our eggs again and what we saw was truly amazing! The light colored eggs allowed us to see the chick developing really well and one of them was even stretched out so that we could see the whole chick’s shape and even it’s beak opening and closing!


The dark spot is the chickens eye and then you can see it’s body forming a crescent shape towards the right. What a fascinating sight for us all to experience. Stay tuned for more updates on our chicks!

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Old McSilvas Had a Farm